Solving the Driving Death Dilemma in the U.S.

This blog is designed to be a hard-hitting, no nonsense kind of blog exposing the failure of the driver education industry with the purpose of actually understanding the root causes of the "Driving Death Dilemma" here in the United States. Only when the root causes are fully exposed and understood is when we can apply the "correct solutions". I welcome your opinions and ideas.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Who Profits From Traffic Accidents?

When I ask people this question, their first response is usually, "Insurance Companies".  When I tell them those insurance companies are the ones that have to pay for the damages and they (insurance companies) make more money when they "don't have to pay", they usually give me a blank look.  Just who makes money when you have an accident?  Auto manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, hospitals, rehab specialists, ambulance companies, police officers, firemen, tow-truck operators, body shops, car rental agencies, wrecking yards, and mortuaries.....the list goes on and on.  Additionally, there are a myriad of non-profits and governmental agencies that get millions of dollars to study the problem, wouldn't their funding dry up if the problem were solved?

It's no wonder the "Driving Death Dilemma" hasn't been solved in this country, too many people are financially dependent on it.  Over the last 10 years of the Iraq / Afghanistan war, 6,800 U.S. soldiers have been killed in combat.  Now compare that number to the 392,600 men, women, and children killed in traffic accidents (during the same 10 year period) in the U.S. alone. Where's the outrage?  The driver education industry in this country is woefully inept but it probably won't change because a lot of people are financially dependent on it not changing.  What are your thoughts? 

1 comment:

  1. Makes so much sense when you say that the driver education industry is so inept. How come there is no uproar to fix it. There is so much chatter about guns, and bullying and those pale in comparison to the life changing mayhem of car crashes. Right on!
