Solving the Driving Death Dilemma in the U.S.

This blog is designed to be a hard-hitting, no nonsense kind of blog exposing the failure of the driver education industry with the purpose of actually understanding the root causes of the "Driving Death Dilemma" here in the United States. Only when the root causes are fully exposed and understood is when we can apply the "correct solutions". I welcome your opinions and ideas.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Is the Driver Education Industry in the U.S. a Failure?

Without a doubt, yes.  Eighty percent (80%) of new drivers will be involved in a reportable accident within the first 3 years of driving .... that's a 20% sucess rate.  In 2004, the California DMV eliminated the requirement for a new driving instructor applicant to take a behind-the-wheel driving exam.  On a daily basis, there are approximately 17,200 traffic accidents which result in approximately 9,500 injuries and 120 deaths just in the U.S. alone.  More people have been killed in auto accidents than all of the combined U.S military casualties from every war since the beginning of our country.

It's broken people.  When a few U.S. soldiers are killed by an IED, it makes national news but when 120 people are killed on a daily basis due to traffic accidents, there's no national outcry.  Have we as a society come to accept these deaths as normal?

Before I get on my soapbox and go after who I think are responsible for this carnage, I would like to hear your ideas.

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