Solving the Driving Death Dilemma in the U.S.

This blog is designed to be a hard-hitting, no nonsense kind of blog exposing the failure of the driver education industry with the purpose of actually understanding the root causes of the "Driving Death Dilemma" here in the United States. Only when the root causes are fully exposed and understood is when we can apply the "correct solutions". I welcome your opinions and ideas.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pushing Driver Training to the Back of the Line

It's back to school time and everyone is rushing around trying to get acclimated to their new schedules so let's put those driver training lessons on the back burner.  There just isn't time with football and cheer practices going on every day after school and you can't take your teenager out of class to take their driver training lessons.....after all, it's only driving.  Let's squeeze in their driving lessons in the evening after a full day of school and after they finish football practice, when they're dead tired is surely the best time for our teens to learn the most dangerous activity they'll do in their lives.

Are you insane?  It's only driving?  Driving is the #1 killer of teenagers and has been for the last 70 years.  We want our children to get good grades so they can get into a good college or university but the one activity they'll do almost every day of their lives is drive.  So they get accepted to Cal or Stanford, they still have to drive there.  You want to risk getting that knock on your door at 3:00am?  In actuality, driver training is more important than all of the other school classes and activities because driving is the #1 killer of teenagers.  I checked and couldn't find the number of teenagers killed because they missed a Spanish or Geography class.  By the way, driving is also the #1 killer of 4 year-olds to 34 year-olds. Take your teenager out of school for their driving lessons when they're fresh and rested so they can assimilate as much information about safe driving as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Driving lesson is part of our life at the age of 14 some teenagers are doing a driving training.Pretty well done article.Love it.
